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API Reference

This reference describes the API for the Forge Viewer.

The Forge Viewer is a javascript-based viewer for 2D drawings and 3D models served by Autodesk's Model Derivative API.
It can be embedded in a web page, or any browser-based application.
The viewer API allows you to control and customize the Viewer.

With it, you can do things like:

  • set up and initialize the Viewer in a web page
  • customize some aspects of the Viewer behavior, such as setting the navigation mode or background color.
  • switch between normal and full-screen viewing
  • control the camera in 3d models

Common Concepts


Assets in Forge are converted to a format that can be streamed and viewed by the Forge Viewer.
To request that a model file be translated for web viewing, use the Model Derivative API.


Use of the Viewer requires authentication against Forge OAuth API.
Once authenticated, you are given an access token required to initialize your viewer using Autodesk.Viewing.Initializer.

Model Object Tree

Assets in the Forge Viewer have an object tree, a tree structure that represents the model hierarchy. For example, an Inventor
model object tree has a root node representing the model "assembly", with child nodes representing "sub-assemblies" and "parts".
Each node contains information about the element of the model it represents, including:

  • Name – The name of the object. For an Inventor model, this would be the name of the assembly or part instance.
  • dbId – This is a unique id for the element in the model. There is a one-to-one correspondence between a node and a dbId.
  • fragIds – fragIds are used by the Viewer's internal implementation to reference the meshes that are used to display the object. A single dbId can include one or more fragIds.
  • Parent – The ID of the node of which this node is a child.
  • Children – An array of dbId for nodes that are children to this node.

The dbId is used as a node identifier throughout. Use the InstanceTree API (Model.getData().instanceTree) to access the other properties.

See Viewer3D.getObjectTree()

Viewer versions

Multiple versions of the Forge Viewer are hosted in Autodesk's CDN.
You can specify a version for viewer files (javascript, css and any other resource) by including the version number in the URL.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="*/style.min.css" type="text/css">
<script src="*/viewer3D.min.js"></script>

We recommend using this feature for the following reasons:

  1. You want to hardcode a version number into your website so you can control when you move to a new Forge Viewer API version. You can switch to a newly released API version after you've tested it.
  2. If you later find problems with a newer version of the API, you can switch back to the older one.

See all avilable versions here.

Maintained by

Bryan Huang @ LinkedIn
Autodesk Forge Partner Development